Friday, February 22, 2008


Well the crazy life has caught up to me. I am not sure if it is the flu or just a virus but I hate being sick as a grownup! I missed 3 days of work and you know your sick when you would rather be at work than at home! I loved being sick when I was a kid(played hookey from school :)) and Mom would take care of you. Well..when your the Mom , who takes care of you? That was so evident when I was taking to my daughter Jessica a Mom of 3 little ones. Jessica was describing her she was on the couch nursing the new baby(Ward) , AnnMarie (aka "Rie, Rie") was sick and clinging to her leg crying and Steven is upset laying on the floor to her left, both wanting Mom..and she is trying to keep them from sharing their germs with there little brother. Paul is at work or school and he could'nt help. I could just see and hear her pain. Poor Mom's. Once in awhile say thanks to those who take good care of you when your sick or well, they deserve it. Hope you all have a healthy day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Me and My Girls

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


With help from my daughter Jessica, I have come out of the stone age! (Maybe) I have been challenged to become part of the blogger age. (New age Journals) Can I do it? Will I do it? Why not...change is good right? Who ever said middle age sucks is totally out there. I love it. It is great to have your kids as friends and not always have to be the parent. Grand kids are the treasures of life and I have hit the jackpot. I read a bumper sticker once that said, "If I had known how great it is to be a Grandparent I would of done it first." I agree...but I would never trade having my 3 kids for anthing. Jessica and Paul are parents of 3. Steven (3) AnnMarie"Rie,Rie"(16 months) and Ward who is 2 weeks old. Amy and Andy are a proud Army family :) (right?)and parents to my 2 Boxer Grand dogs, JoJo and Bella. They have flown the coop to start an adventure of their own. Craig the baby...will soon have all his paperwork in, and we will be waiting to hear where he will serve his 2 year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My challenge will be to write at least once a'is to life, the swirling toilet of change.